What Is It Like To Run An Eq Fashion Business?

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"What is it like to run an equestrian fashion business?" is a question that I get asked A LOT. The truth is it's really hard and I could spend all day telling you about my worries from slow sales weeks and online trolls, to communicating with factories and a to-do list that never gets any shorter.

However, I fear that may make for an uninteresting and slightly negative blog, so instead I'm going to bring you behind the scenes and show you my absolute favourite part of running Apt Cavalier - being CREATIVE!

I founded Apt Cavalier following my degree in Fashion Design for Industry, which I graduated with Honours, as I wanted to combine my two passions - eventing and fashion. Yes, yes, I know, it's so cliche (if I had a fiver for every time I've read the phrase "created for riders, by riders" on a company's bio!!), but it is in fact true. I still event my amazing horse, Mr Woody aka SuperCob and going cross-country gives me the biggest thrill of my life, every single time (you can follow our journey on Instagram and Facebook).

If I ever feel disheartened or too bogged down with the day-to-day running of the business, I sit myself down for a good "design session". Creating my own fashion illustration and design always reminds me why I love this industry so much and makes me feel motivated and connected to the business again.

Every item of our sportswear is designed exclusively by me. Every seam, every zip, every panel is where it is because I put it there to make your riding experience more comfortable and I am so proud of that. Once the design is complete, I contact my fabric suppliers and handpick the perfect fabric for each garment. I'm always drawn to the technical, performance-enhancing fabrics which feel soft and silky which is the fabrics you see in our Enhance collection today.ytgy7

I hope you enjoy my illustrations - I create these using Adobe Illustrator and draw everything from the model's hair, hands and feet to the clothes they are wearing. Compare the drawings to our real-life collection here.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch via info@aptcavalier.com or visit us on Facebook and Instagram.

Sarah x

Founder/CEO/Designer/Everything else too...

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