The Importance of Self-Care, Hun

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As it's February the 14th tomorrow, love is officially in the air.

But I'm not here to talk about loving a boyfriend, girlfriend, partner, husband or wife, I'm here to talk about loving yourself and the importance of self-care. It is only as I have grown older and (questionably) wiser, that I have begun to understand the true importance of self-care, and the effect it can have on your mindset, job, relationships and everything in between. 

There are lots of ways to look after yourself and to promote a positive mindset but here are a few things that are important for me and my happiness:

1.  Look after number one- there will be lots of people in your life that you will want to please, and who you will wish happiness upon, however, don't compromise your own happiness for someone else's. Be kind, but be true to your own decisions and don't feel bad for saying no to someone if you need to.  

2. Have guilt-free time at the stables - when I first started this business I found myself rushing my time with Woody so that I could be back in front of my laptop as quickly as possible. However, time with Woody is my time to relax, reflect and quietly ponder the events of the day and that time is precious to me, therefore I made a conscious decision that I will not feel guilty for spending time at the stables and I am much happier for it. 

3. Self-care, hun - okay "hun" isn't normally included in my vocabulary, but it stemmed from a joke with my best friend while lounging in a hot top on a luxurious spa day. We were discussing the stresses of life and how a spa day with a friend, filled with chilling and laughing really was exactly the thing we needed. A spa might not be your thing, and it's certainly not something I can afford regularly, but self-care can be anything that brings you relief and peace, for example, it might be exercising, reading a book, putting a face mask on, lighting some candles and closing your eyes. etc. etc.

4. Friends and family - make time for your loved ones. Surrounding yourself with positive people who love you is one of the most rewarding things and is guaranteed to create a warm fuzzy feeling deep inside of you. Put your phone down, pick up a board game and spend real quality time with your spouse, your parents, your kids, your siblings... everyone and anyone who puts a smile on your face. 

5. Gratitude and positive thinking - hear me out. I was sceptical about this one and would never have put myself into a category of someone who believes in the power of positive thinking but I can safely say that I am converted. A very wise woman once told me that anything negative you say about someone else, is really about yourself which really stuck with me. Taking a moment every day to think about, or even write down, what you are grateful for and what you are proud of is a really great way to encourage positivity into your life. 

So this valentines, take time to look after yourself and remember, self-care is important, hun. 

Happy V-Day gang. 

Sarah x

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