Talking Nonsense - An Introduction

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They say you should look at your competitors and then do the opposite.

So while everyone is making fancy-pants blogs and videos, I'm going to take you back in time and introduce you to my brand new (but super old fashioned) weekly column. For those of you who are born after 1995 (this excludes me), a column is a recurring piece or article in a newspaper, magazine or other publication, where a writer expresses their own opinion.

It's no secret that I love to write. It relaxes me, it soothes me and it allows me to organise a rabble of thoughts and feelings that would otherwise bounce around in my head, trying to avoid that wee hamster running on his wheel as fast as his little legs can go in there. It is one of my "life goals" to write a regular column for a magazine, but I thought to hang with waiting on someone offering me that opportunity, I'll just go ahead and write my own AC column.

Why the hell no, eh? I get to write, you guys get to know me better and I can officially list that I write a column on my LinkedIn bio, amma right? It's a win, win situation UNLESS of course you don't actually like reading the inner thoughts of a horse-mad, wine-drinking, Legging-wearing lunatic who runs around like a headless chicken most of the time.

Throughout this column, I want to dive into subjects that I haven't touched on using this page. I'll talk about the horsey world, fitness (or my lack of as the case may be at the moment) and fashion, but I also want to discuss with you about what's going on in the world, life hacks, what I've learned from running a business, what's been going on in my life away from the business, what books I'm loving, what I'm watching on Netflix and so much more.

Stop me if you're already bored... speak now or forever hold your peace.

Okay, I'll keep going (as if I was going to stop anyway).

I think this column is relevant as Apt Cavalier is so much more than just a place to shop for amazing clothes. It's become a community. A community of forward-thinking, strong woman who are here to build each other up and empower each other to be fearless. I feel that I have got to know so many of you over the past three years (yes, can you believe that Apt Cavalier will be three years old at the end of June?!), and I recognise so many names that pop up in my notifications and order forms, which makes me happier than I can explain.

I feel by writing this column, you can get closer to me and hopefully, I can interest and amuse you along the way. Plus, I get to indulge myself and officially block out an hour in my calendar every single week to switch off from social, switch off from business and put metaphorical pen to paper.

My first official column is coming next week (this one doesn't count as it's only an introduction) and please do tune in as we have some BIG news which involves Jodie, Adele and I plus an amazing organisation we will be raising money for over the next 10 weeks.

In the meantime, remember to keep on being UNSTOPPABLE.

See you next week (I need a better sign off, right?)

Sarah x





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