Talking Nonsense - My Poor Aching Body

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Well, it's time for my first official "talking nonsense" column (last weeks introduction doesn't count) which means I should really learn how to spell nonsense because I have to get Grammarly to fix it for me every time!

It's been a busy week full of highs, with one low exception when I phoned the feed shop to check that Woody's feed was ready to be picked up and instead of saying "thanks, bye" I said, "be careful, bye" in quite a stern tone....why? Why am I like this? Now I have to walk into the shop and face this man having told him to be careful, for some reason.  

Anyway, let's pretend that my brain is qualified enough to run an international business for a second, shall we? 

This week saw the launch of our Run To Blair fundraiser for Ebony Horse Club and I completed my first run yesterday. I covered four miles and amazed myself that I actually ran the whole four miles without stopping or walking. I got to my three-mile marker and couldn't quite believe my legs were still moving, so I think I have adrenaline to thank for that one. I was on a high all day yesterday, went to sleep dreaming on how easy running is then woke up to every single muscle screaming this morning! Did I sleepwalk into the street and get run over by a bus during the night? Maybe. It sure feels like it.


First run outfit on point: Power Pro Leggings, Organic T, New Balance Trainers and the AC Running Playlist 


I wanted to talk a bit about WHY I wanted to raise money for the Ebony Horse Club. and I didn't mean "why, oh why, have I done this to myself", I mean why fundraise and why that organisation. 

I spent #BlackOutTuesday reading and learning as much as I could about the Black Lives Matter movement and honestly, I was shocked by it. Not only was I shocked about the facts and the avoidable loss of life within the black community but I was shocked just how ignorant I was to the whole situation. I live in a bubble of white privilege, something I didn't even realise before, and I have been truly inspired to take action and try my best to make a difference to the diversity in our industry and our predominantly white sport.  

The Run to Blair is the first step on this mission and all money raised will go toward providing a safe space for children, of all ages, genders and ethnicities to learn to love and blossom around horses. An escape that, without Ebony, most of them wouldn't have. I am thrilled that so many of you have messaged me to show support and even run along with us. You can find information on just how your wonderful donations will help by visiting the Ebony Horse Club website here: The Ebony Horse Club


One of our many gorgeous hacking views 


In other news, Woody and I left the ground for the first time this week since BEFORE LOCKDOWN! That's right, we have not seen a set of wings in around 12 weeks, except the wings of the many, many pheasants jumping out of hedges to scare us when Woody wrongly thought he had been retired into a happy hacker. Those who are familiar with Woody's very brave, forward style will understand that the first jump session back was perhaps not the prettiest. Woody is a massive fan of the "if in doubt, take one out" tactic which often means he launches from a mile out somehow triggering me to shout "OH" very loudly every time. I honestly don't know why I don't see it coming now.

The session wasn't a total disaster but I did feel like I was holding on a bit too much so I need to work on that along with getting him to approach in a sensible rhythm once again. Just before lockdown hit, we had a fab session with Caroline Moore and Ros Canter where Ros suggested I count constantly when jumping so that my mind stays in a rhythm, which in turn will keep him in a rhythm (I still can't spell rhythm either btw). It's amazing how well this works, I just have to A. remember to do it and B. not get fed up of of the sound of my inner thoughts going "1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2..." constantly. 

It's exciting that some venues are opening back up again but I think it will be a while before Woods and I are out at a competition - we need to get some of that lockdown weight gain shifted first. That's Woody's weight, not mine before anyone says anything cheeky! The first stop for us is going to be the beach with Woody's friend, Ainsley, which I am ALREADY excited about as Woody has never been to the beach before. He's going to LOVE it!

Anyway, enough from me. Have a fab weekend and hopefully I'll be back next week with slightly less aching body parts as my body gets used to running again.

I still haven't thought of a witty sign off for this column so if anyone has any bright ideas please let me know!!

Sarah x





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