My Legs Aren't Nice Enough For Leggings

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Does the phrase "my legs don't look nice enough for leggings" sound familiar?

If so, I got you, girl! I am one of those women who thinks that they don't look good in leggings, but I'll let you into a secret; I wear them anyway.

My legs are short, my thighs are big, my calves are wide, and my ass is somewhere between "bootylicious" and "I like to eat cake." I always feel great when I slide into my Power Pro Leggings; they are so comfortable and supportive, plus they stretch over my curves without going see-through. That being said, I often get downhearted and think, "I'm not a great advert for my company" because my legs don't look like those of a 6'3" supermodel.

Is Apt Cavalier designed for supermodels? No, it is not. I created this brand for every kickass woman who wants to feel confident and comfortable in her clothes. Who cares what the "perfect body type" is, or that social media tells us you're supposed to have a thigh gap.

They say you only look as good as you feel, so the next time that little voice within says, "you're not good enough" or "you're not skinny enough", give it a telling off. Wear those leggings proudly because I can guarantee you that you look as amazing on the outside as they make you feel on the inside.

Keep being unstoppable

Sarah x

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