Everything I LOVE about December

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As an equestrian, we all know the feeling when September ends. October and November are MISERABLE; seriously, there's rain, there's mud, there's frost, there are minus temperatures, there are mild days... no one or nothing knows what's going on and we are all very much missing Summer. 

However, Halloween and bonfire night come and go then all of a sudden it's December first and everything changes. The weathers still unpredictable and the mud is still very much present but the promise of Christmas cheer and the count down until Winter solstice makes every dark morning just that little bit easier. 


In keeping with this, I thought I would spread a little bit of Christmas joy and share with you all my favourite things about December. Enjoy: 

 1. Christmas Films - My ABSOLUTE favourite thing, and the cheesier the better. My favourites for early December are The Holiday and Love Actually but as Christmas approaches, you bet your bottom dollar I'll have Elf and The Grinch on (bonus points for a Netflix original)

2. "F**k it, it's Christmas" (Parental advisory required, sorry!) - want a glass of wine mid-week? F**k it, it's Christmas. Want to eat the box of truffles you bought for someone else? F**k it, it's Christmas. It's a guilt-free pass, right?

3. Christmas shopping - I love everything about Christmas shopping. I consider myself a thoughtful shopper and often put together hampers for my family or try to get something personal. I also LOVE wrapping with plenty of bows and ribbons. 

4. Winter Training - This time of year means less competing and the pressure taken off a bit so I use this time to get some lessons and training clinics under my belt so that I've got a headstart for next season. 

5. Time with the family - I love lazing around, snacking and watching a movie we've all seen seven times. It's those "nothing days" that are sometimes the most fun, especially for someone who's constantly on the go!

6. The heating - Cold? You don't have to feel bad for putting the heating on, because its "officially" winter.

7. Advent calendars - okay mine's a bit rubbish because it's dairy-free but its still awesome. I open my little door with a cup of tea when I come back in from the stables in the morning and it tastes SO GOOD! 


8. Big straw beds and cosy rugs - I wouldn't class myself as a "neat freak" but I do like his bed to be all cosy and nicely squared off the front. I also love looking at him all tucked up in his cosy PJs - he melts my heart. 

9. The sky in the morning - this one is a bit cheesy but it's true. Some mornings when the sky is on fire with red and orange I feel like I'm in a far off land and it's just gorgeous!

10. Packing all of your Christmas orders - I LOVE seeing what Apt goodies you are all getting for Christmas and truly enjoy packing them all in our festive green tissue paper, I find it quite therapeutic!


So, you know where to find me this December; sitting in Woody's giant bed snuggling up to him in his PJs, drinking wine, eating truffles and watching Christmas films ... I wish!!!

Sarah x 

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